Main Articles :

"The WEST project: Testing ITER divertor high heat flux component technology in a steady state tokamak environment" - Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 89, Issues 7-8, October 2014, Pages 907–912 -  Jérôme Bucalossi, Marc Missirlian, Philippe Moreau, et al.

"The WEST programme : Minimizing technology and operatioanl risks of a full actively cooled tungsten divertor on ITER" - Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 88, Issues 6-8, October 2013, Pages 497–500 - André Grosman, Jérôme Bucalossi, Louis Doceul, Frédéric Escourbiac, Manfred Lipa, Mario Merola, Marc Missirlian, Richard A. Pitts, Franck Samaille, Emmanuelle Tsitrone.

"WEST Physics Basis" - Nuclear Fusion, Volume 55, Number 6, May 2015 - Clarisse Bourdelle, Jean François Artaud, Vincent Basiuk, et al.

"The WEST project: Current status of the ITER-like tungsten divertor" - Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 89, Issues 7-8, October 2014, Pages 1048-1053 - Marc Missirlian, Jérôme Bucalossi, Yann Corre, et al.

"Feasibility study of an actively cooled tungsten divertor in Tore Supra for ITER technology testing"- Fusion Engineering and DesignVolume 86, Issues 6–8October 2011Pages 684-688 - J. Bucalossi, A. Argouarch, V. Basiuk, O. Baulaigue, P. Bayetti, M. Bécoulet, B. Bertrand, S. Brémond, P. Cara, M. Chantant, Y. Corre, X. Courtois, L. Doceul, A. Ekedahl, F. Faisse, M. Firdaouss, J. Garcia, L. Gargiulo, C. Gil, C. Grisolia, et al.



The WEST Research Plan,

Version 1.0 February 2015, approved by the 2nd WEST governing Board

For updated information, see the WEST users' Website

WEST research plan v1_2015-02.pdf


Press Review (in French) 

"Fusion thermonucléaire : Le projet WEST au CEA de Cadarache, banc d'essai pour ITER" 

A complete press review on the WEST project realised in September 2013 by the CEA.

Dossier de Presse 2013.pdf

Another more recent press review: "WEST : à la conquête de la fusion nucléaire"

Dossier de presse 2017.pdf



Last update : 04/08 2020 (693)