• darkblurbg
    Join us !
    IRFM welcomes around 30 PhD students and 40 trainees per year.
  • darkblurbg
    WEST Tokamak

    W (tungsten) Environment in Steady-state Tokamak
    WEST validates and fatigue-tests the ITER actively-cooled tungsten divertor components
    during the ITER construction phase and prepare their safe operation.

  • darkblurbg
    IRFM activities
    Participating in the realization of ITER and European Fusion program
    Preparing the operation of next generation devices
    Fusion physics understanding by theory and experiments
    Fusion Reactor Studies
    And Much More...

Institute for Magnetic Fusion Research

IRFM is an institute of CEA, the French Alternatives Energies and Atomic Energy Commission. Located in the CEA Cadarache Centre, with ITER next door, the 200+ physicists, engineers and technicians of the Institute carry out research on Magnetic Fusion as a potential future energy source.

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IRFM Activities

Project Iter

Contribute to the implementation of the ITER project and those of the “Broader Approach”

Experiment, control, theory and modelling

Prepare the scientific operation of ITER, through control and experimentation activities, and through theory and modeling,

Future fusion reactor

Establish the basis for future fusion reactor.








190 +


Latest publications

Examination of W7-X target elements after high heat flux testing

Marc Missirlian, J. Boscary, A. Durocher, J. Schlosser, H. Greuner, L.S. Sigl


Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2009, 386-388, pp.856-859. ⟨10.1016/j.jnucmat.2008.12.269⟩

Integrated modelling of tokamak plasmas: progresses and challenges towards ITER operation and reactor design

Clarisse Bourdelle, C Angioni, J.-F Artaud, M Bergmann, N Bonanomi, Y Camenen, F Casson, J Citrin, D Coster, N Cummings, E Fable, D Fajardo, F Felici, T Fonghetti, P Fox, A Ho, R Lorenzini, P Maget, P Manas, M Marin, J Morales, A Panera-Alvarez, O Sauter, J Simpson, Z Stancar, G Tardini, E Tholerus, F Auriemma, R Bilato, H Dudding, R Dumont, F Eriksson, S Gabriellini, L Garzotti, C Giroud, F Huynh, A Imbeaux, A Kirjasuo, B Kit, J Labit, T Lombardo, P Luda, E Mantica, O Militello-Asp, S Sauter, G Shi, F Snoep, A Eriksson, A Kit, E Järvinen, P Vergnaud, S Vincenzi, V Wiesen, Computing Zotta Advanced, M Coelho, D Czarski, Th Figat, M Jonsson, M Owsiak, B Płóciennik, P Pogodziński, B Strand, D Sunny, E Amnell, L Chôné, F Granberg, A Järvinen, M Coleman, F Maviglia, M Siccinio, S Wiesen, H Zohm, A Siena, T Lauber, S Luda, F Kim, S Koechl, A Kim, S Loarte, A Pinches, F Polevoi, M Poli, C Schneider


50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Jul 2024, Salamanque, Spain

Effect of shaping on Trapped Electron Mode instability: an analytical model

P Donnel, X Garbet, L de Gianni, Z Qu, Y Melka, Y Sarazin, R Bigué, E Bourne, G Dif-Pradalier, V Grandgirard, Y Munschy, K Obrejan


50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Jul 2024, Salamanque, Spain.

Indirect evidence of avalanche-like transport in TCV plasmas backed by 1D nonlinear simulations

O Panico, P Hennequin, Y Sarazin, A Balestri, S Coda, B Labit, S Rienäcker


50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Jul 2024, Salamanque, Spain.

A penalized model for plasma-wall interaction valid in the gyrokinetic framework

Yann Munschy, G Dif-Pradalier, Y Sarazin, P Donnel, E Bourne, X Garbet, L Ghendrih, V de Gianni, A Grandgirard, K Kara, O Obrejan, O. Panico


50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Jul 2024, Salamanque, Spain.

Effect of ICRH on the ion distribution functions evaluation of the ion temerature in the WEST TOKAMAK with ICRF heating

P Huynh, E Lerche, D van Eester, J Artaud, R Dumont, P Maget, P Manas


50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Jul 2024, Salamanque, Spain.

X-ray spectrum measurement in WEST plasmas for inferring tungsten impurity distribution presented by

D Mazon, Y Peysson, J Colnel, D Guibert, M Chernyshova, K Malinowski, T Czarski, E Kowalska-Strzęciwilk, S Jabłoński, M Jagielski, A Wojeński, G Kasprowicz, K Poźniak, P Linczuk, P Kolasiński, K Król, D Colette, R Tieulent, Axel Jardin, M. Walsh


50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Jul 2024, Salamanque, Spain

A fatigue lifetime assessment of WEST ITER Like Plasma Facing Unit

P. Languille, Marc Missirlian, D. Guilhem, F. Ferlay, T. Batal, J. Bucalossi, M. Firdaouss, S. Larroque, A. Martinez, M. Richou


Fusion Engineering and Design, 2016, 109-111, pp.294-298. ⟨10.1016/j.fusengdes.2016.03.009⟩

Developing numerical tools for tungsten profile measurement from X-ray diagnostics in WEST plasmas

D Mazon, J Colnel, D Guibert, V Gerenton, M Chernyshova, K Malinowski, T Czarski, M Jagielski, G Verdoolaedge, A Wu, G Wojeński, K Kasprowicz, P Poźniak, Ifj Linczuk, K Jardin, M Król, D Walsh, R Colette, R. Tieulent


21st ICPP - 21st International Congress on Plasma Physics, Sep 2024, Gand, Belgium

First integrated core-edge fluid simulation of ITER’s Limiter-Divertor transition with SolEdge-HDG

M. Scotto D’abusco, I. Kudashev, G. Giorgiani, A. Glasser-Medvedeva, F. Schwander, E. Serre, J. Bucalossi, H. Bufferand, G. Ciraolo, P. Tamain


Nuclear Materials and Energy, 2024, pp.101750. ⟨10.1016/j.nme.2024.101750⟩