IRFM is an institute of CEA, the French Alternatives Energies and Atomic Energy Commission. Located in the CEA Cadarache Centre, with ITER next door, the 200+ physicists, engineers and technicians of the Institute carry out research on Magnetic Fusion as a potential future energy source.
Read moreContribute to the implementation of the ITER project and those of the “Broader Approach”
Prepare the scientific operation of ITER, through control and experimentation activities, and through theory and modeling,
Establish the basis for future fusion reactor.
Marc Missirlian, J. Boscary, A. Durocher, J. Schlosser, H. Greuner, L.S. Sigl
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2009, 386-388, pp.856-859. ⟨10.1016/j.jnucmat.2008.12.269⟩
Clarisse Bourdelle, C Angioni, J.-F Artaud, M Bergmann, N Bonanomi, Y Camenen, F Casson, J Citrin, D Coster, N Cummings, E Fable, D Fajardo, F Felici, T Fonghetti, P Fox, A Ho, R Lorenzini, P Maget, P Manas, M Marin, J Morales, A Panera-Alvarez, O Sauter, J Simpson, Z Stancar, G Tardini, E Tholerus, F Auriemma, R Bilato, H Dudding, R Dumont, F Eriksson, S Gabriellini, L Garzotti, C Giroud, F Huynh, A Imbeaux, A Kirjasuo, B Kit, J Labit, T Lombardo, P Luda, E Mantica, O Militello-Asp, S Sauter, G Shi, F Snoep, A Eriksson, A Kit, E Järvinen, P Vergnaud, S Vincenzi, V Wiesen, Computing Zotta Advanced, M Coelho, D Czarski, Th Figat, M Jonsson, M Owsiak, B Płóciennik, P Pogodziński, B Strand, D Sunny, E Amnell, L Chôné, F Granberg, A Järvinen, M Coleman, F Maviglia, M Siccinio, S Wiesen, H Zohm, A Siena, T Lauber, S Luda, F Kim, S Koechl, A Kim, S Loarte, A Pinches, F Polevoi, M Poli, C Schneider
50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Jul 2024, Salamanque, Spain
D Mazon, Y Peysson, J Colnel, D Guibert, M Chernyshova, K Malinowski, T Czarski, E Kowalska-Strzęciwilk, S Jabłoński, M Jagielski, A Wojeński, G Kasprowicz, K Poźniak, P Linczuk, P Kolasiński, K Król, D Colette, R Tieulent, Axel Jardin, M. Walsh
50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Jul 2024, Salamanque, Spain
P. Languille, Marc Missirlian, D. Guilhem, F. Ferlay, T. Batal, J. Bucalossi, M. Firdaouss, S. Larroque, A. Martinez, M. Richou
Fusion Engineering and Design, 2016, 109-111, pp.294-298. ⟨10.1016/j.fusengdes.2016.03.009⟩
D Mazon, J Colnel, D Guibert, V Gerenton, M Chernyshova, K Malinowski, T Czarski, M Jagielski, G Verdoolaedge, A Wu, G Wojeński, K Kasprowicz, P Poźniak, Ifj Linczuk, K Jardin, M Król, D Walsh, R Colette, R. Tieulent
21st ICPP - 21st International Congress on Plasma Physics, Sep 2024, Gand, Belgium
M. Scotto D’abusco, I. Kudashev, G. Giorgiani, A. Glasser-Medvedeva, F. Schwander, E. Serre, J. Bucalossi, H. Bufferand, G. Ciraolo, P. Tamain
Nuclear Materials and Energy, 2024, pp.101750. ⟨10.1016/j.nme.2024.101750⟩