IRFM platforms

IRFM operates and opens to the French and international fusion Community its R&D ans test platforms.

These platforms are designed to support ITER construction and its operation. They cover the IRFM aeras of excellence, in fusion by magnetic confinement, in the most integrated way possible (design, prototyping, testing, analysis, modeling,...).


IRFM key features:

- a plasma fusion platform: Tore Supra Tokamak upgraded in WEST (W environment Stady-state Tokamak)


- specific R&D platforms:

  • Cryogenics and superconductors
  • Plasma Facing Components (High fluxes, actively cooled)
  • Visible and Infre-Red viewing systems
  • Design, Engineering and Virtual Reality
  • Heating and Current drive
  • Robots for fusion


- a large Simulation Platform:

  • Theory & Simulation - High Performance Computing
  • Integrated Modeling, Plasma scenario & reactor physics design

Last update : 10/12 2016 (555)